We managed to drop costs even lower than previously mentioned. Here’s a general rundown of what kinds of expenses to expect when coming to the conference.
Thus a person’s minimum costs will be less than $60 per day, or $295 for a 5 day stay including housing and meals! This is cheaper than just the cost of most hotel stays at most conferences! In fact it’s less than half the cost of staying at the Gamboa Rainforest Resort Hotel nearby which charges ~$130 USD per night
Flights are quite affordable from most of the Americas and Europe to Panama City. From Panama City is it just a short 45 min, $40 taxi ride to Gamboa.
Some typical roundtrip prices to give you ideas:
NYC - 300 USD
Denver - 300 USD
LA - 500 USD
San Francisco - 550 USD
New Orleans - 280 USD
Atlanta - 350 USD
Washington DC - 280 USD
Chicago - 280 USD
Toronto - 500 USD
Vancouver - 480 USD
Quito - 470 USD
Caracas - 300 USD
Rio De Janeiro - 550 USD
Santiago - 700 USD
Lima - 500 USD
Amsterdam - 580 USD
Berlin - $560 USD
Frankfurt - 575 USD
Munich - 570 USD
Zurich - 700 USD
Barcelona - 540 USD
Ljubljana - 900 USD
Accra- 3000 USD
Nairobi - 1500 USD
Johannesburg - 1500 USD
Tel Aviv - 940 USD
Bengaluru - 1500 USD
Mumbai - 1350 USD
Bangkok - 1460 USD
Phuket - 1550 USD
Singapore - 1600 USD
Manila - 1300 USD
Hong Kong - 1000 USD
Shenzhen - 1530 USD
Beijing - 900 USD
Tokyo - 980 USD
Sydney - 1850 USD
Perth - 1850 USD
Auckland - 1870 USD