Ann Gerondelis, Drexel University
Raja Schaar, Drexel University
Project created for the Digital Naturalism Conference, 2019 Gamboa, Panama

Walking around Gamboa it’s hard not to be mesmerized by the superhighways of ants recognizable by large distinct paths of wobbly leaves.
Our team dove into observational research, expert knowledge, internet findings, and one amazing book found at the field research station to find out more about these mesmerizing creatures.
Getting swole like an ant?

A fitness app for digital naturalists and folks who think Leaf Cutter Ants are superfit superorganisms.
This short workout invites you to be the ant, strengthen your body, and learn about ants’ intimate relationship with mother earth.
Over a four-day period, we designed, tested, and prototyped our app with fellow conference attendees (surrounded by the rainforest no less). The content was key in delivering an experience that mimics the fascinating farming of fungus and other leafcutter ant behaviors.

We hope this gives you a glimpse into the above and below the ground world of the leafcutter ant.
Thanks to all the Dinacon attendees, Henrietta Mango the sloth, and Smithsonian scientists who inspired us during our time at Gamboa!