Mary Miller

[Dates: May 30-June 13]


  • Secret graphic novel project I’ve been working on with Andy and some other folks, which may make its debut at Dinacon
  • Music video for a song called “Robot Language,” on my upcoming E.P. , “Beep Boop.” (I write/perform under the moniker Dezmediah)
  • Short story inspired by what I see at the conference.
  • Collecting soundscapes for my soundscape collection.


Writer and activist. I have a Master of Social Work degree, with a Health Policy concentration. I’m interested in system dynamics and how ecology intersects with social justice. I was a cofounder of 350 STL, a local chapter of, and have experience planning marches, sit-ins, and all sorts of fun stuff like that.

Lately, I’m concentrating more on my writing and will be attending Boston University’s MFA program in Fall 2018. I like to write science-fiction and literary-fiction and have been writing a young adult science-fiction graphic novel series with Andy for the past year.

Although my higher education background is humanities- and social-science-based, I am definitely a biology and science-writing nerd. Would love to geek out with fellow E.O. Wilson and Elizabeth Kolbert fans. Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about mushrooms and am looking forward to checking out the fungal life on Koh Lon.